Austin Meat & Seafood Company, a company in the Bronx, New York, specializes in meat and seafood delivery to commercial customers. They requested a custom refrigerated van to facilitate deliveries of their products. The Commercial Van Solutions team designed and built this van based on their specifications.
Meat Delivery Van (Austin Meat & Seafood Company)admin2019-08-29T00:37:53-04:00
Natalie's Orchid Island Juice Company, a company in Florida that specializes in fresh-squeezed juice, required a custom refrigerated van to facilitate deliveries of their products. They worked with the Commercial Van Solutions team to create this van, perfect for the job.
Refrigerated Juice Van (Natalie’s Juice)admin2019-08-29T00:37:20-04:00
Commonwealth Fire Protection Company, a fire protection contractor based in central Pennsylvania, worked with Commercial Van Solutions to design a new van for their service team. This van features an AluRack from Prime Design and custom graphics.
Sprinkler Company Van (Commonwealth Fire Protection)admin2019-08-29T00:36:37-04:00
Big Catch Inc., a family owned and operated seafood company from Mount Holly, New Jersey, contracted with Commercial Van Solutions to build a custom seafood delivery van solution for their business.
Seafood Delivery Van (Big Catch Inc.)admin2019-08-29T00:36:01-04:00