Are you currently transporting fish in a refrigerated box truck? These trucks are highly outdated and inefficient to today’s standards. From air leaks, to compressors pushed to their limits, you are looking at a bad investment.
The best choice for seafood is a custom refrigerated fish delivery van. These updated vehicles are built from the ground up to fit your fish transportation needs!
Cost Saver
The box truck is costing you more than you might realize. The rear pull up door is a flawed choice that will always leak cool air from the back cabin. You never get a pressurized seal that is so essential when shipping temperamental meat such as fish. A bad seal not only allows the essential cold air to leak out, but also brings in the current of warm air from outside. The refrigerated van has state of the art hatch doors that have more updated seals to keep the cab pressurized and free of outside air. This creates a perfect current of cool air that keeps itself regulated and efficient.
This danger to your product has even another effect against your operation, compressor stress. The stress put on the compressor from trying to regulate the leaking cabin completely sucks up energy. Whether you’re running on gas or electricity, this is costing you more. Not only is it more expensive to run, but the extra stress really breaks down the machine much faster. Repairs are more often and replacement comes much sooner. A custom refrigerated fish delivery van runs so much more efficiently that this problem goes away completely.
Keep your fish secure
Fish are the hardest meat to keep over time. The temperamental nature of this product calls for a much more accurate refrigeration protocol. According to the National Restaurant Association, shellfish must be kept at 45 degrees or lower during transport. Not only must fish stay within tis cold temperature range, but unlike other meats, fish must be chilled until immediately prior to cooking. Fish and seafood begin to rot much faster than any other meat when outside if the safety range. For all of the reasons above, the refrigerated seafood van is clearly a safer and more reputable way to store and transport this meat. Keep your customers, as well as yourself, as safe as possible.
Better Advertising!
A banner for your brand looks much better on one of these new vans than on a box truck. Your potential customers and clients will see the updated format you are keeping your product in and you will become much more reputable. These vans are a sure fire way to attract more business. The refrigerated van will not only save you money, but make more of it too!
To learn more about a custom refrigerated fish van for your business, contact us today.

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